Customers can use 1Voucher as payment

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Flash Device: Touchgo2 showcasing many digital products such as 1Voucher.

Customers can use 1Voucher as payment at any Flash shop

Merchants, do you have customers coming in and wanting to pay using 1Voucher, or asking you about other ways to pay for their goods? Well, you don’t have to turn them away, 1Voucher and Flash have a solution just for you! 

Aside from cash or card, customers can also use1Voucher to pay at ANY Flash shop, and the transaction can be processed on any Flash machine. 

Here’s how to accept 1Voucher as payment on all Flash machines: 


  1. Select accept 1Voucher
  2. Select enter 1Voucher pin
  3. Enter the 1Voucher pin
  4. Enter the 1Voucher pin
  5. Watch for notification that says: Success
  6. The transaction will top up your Flash balance


  1. Select accept 1Voucher
  2. Select enter 1Voucher pin 
  3. Enter the 1Voucher PIN and select accept 
  4. Confirm the details and select accept again 
  5. Watch for notification that confirms the transaction 
  6. The transaction will top up your Flash balance  


  1. Select Voucher/1Voucher 
  2. Select accept 1Voucher
  3. Select enter 1Voucher pin
  4. Enter the 1Voucher pin
  5. Press OK to confirm
  6. Select output to printers or to screen to show or print receipt
  7. The transaction will top up your Flash balance

By accepting 1Voucher at your shop, you will give your customers the opportunity to pay in a way that is convenient for you (Because you don’t need to travel to top up your Flash machine). It’s also convenient for your customers as they can receive 1Voucher from friends and family to spend locally, at your shop 

Please note: There is a 2.5% fee charged to accept 1Voucher as payment similar to a card payment. 

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